Machinery and spare parts for the textile industry
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Representations and collaborations
Roller covering
BOBOTEX® manufactures and provides almost the entire range of roller coverings for the textile, foil and paper industry as well as the printing industry.
Warping machine producer
Europe leader on production of Direct warping line both elastic and rigid yarn. Splitting line – Raschel and ketten Warp knitting machines. Accessories device, as yarn recovery, combs and beams.
Healds, Healds Frame, drop wire for all tipe of loom, inspecially for metal wire, and heavvy fabrics. Same for narrow fabric. Drop wire stop motions for all weaving looms and cleaning sistem for drop wire directly on weaving loom.
Binotwisting machines
Twisting machine enable to produce natural and sintetich yarn, kiss roller device to apply additive or oil on yarn before to twist. Possibility to wind twisted yarn directly to braiding bobbins.